DBS Bible Notes

Mark 2

Who are the friends that lower the paralyzed man through the roof to get to Jesus, and what does their persistence tell us about the power of faith? How does Jesus' healing of the paralyzed man challenge the religious authorities of his day, and what does this tell us about his understanding of God's grace and forgiveness? What is the significance of Jesus' call to Levi, the tax collector, and how does this illustrate his radical inclusivity and love for sinners? And what do the various conflicts that arise in this chapter - between Jesus and the Pharisees, between his disciples and the religious leaders, and between his approach to Sabbath observance and that of the Jewish authorities - reveal about the tensions and challenges inherent in living a life of faith?

Luke 7

Who is the centurion who displays such great faith in Jesus, and what can we learn from his example? What is the significance of the woman who washes Jesus' feet with her tears and anoints them with perfume? And what can we glean from Jesus' interactions with John the Baptist and the Pharisees, particularly in terms of their attitudes towards sinners and their understanding of God's mercy?

Matthew 16

Who do the people say that Jesus is, and how does Peter's confession of faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God, transform his understanding of Jesus' role in God's plan? What does Jesus mean when he tells Peter that he is the rock on which he will build his church, and how does this relate to the authority of the apostles and the establishment of the Christian church? What does it mean to take up one's cross and follow Jesus, and what does this entail in terms of sacrifice, commitment, and self-denial? And what does Jesus mean when he says that some who are standing there will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom?

John 20

Within this chapter, numerous thought-provoking questions emerge. How did the disciples react when Mary Magdalene first informed them about the empty tomb? Did they readily believe her testimony or harbor doubts? Why did Peter and John rush to the tomb, and what were their expectations upon discovering the linen cloths? When Mary encountered the risen Jesus outside the tomb, why didn't she immediately recognize Him, and what triggered her sudden recognition? What emotions overwhelmed the disciples when Jesus appeared among them, despite the locked doors, and how did they reconcile His presence with their grief and fear? What does Jesus' statement, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed," signify for believers today? By exploring these questions within the context of John chapter 20, we gain a deeper understanding of the profound implications of Jesus' resurrection and its enduring relevance in our own lives.

Acts 2

Picture this: a bustling ancient city, a diverse cast of characters, and a dash of supernatural special effects. Ever seen a movie where people suddenly start babbling in a bunch of different languages out of nowhere? No? Well, that's just one of the many bizarre and fantastic things that happened in Acts 2. But let's not stop there; it gets even wilder. There's a fiery spectacle that doesn't involve dragons, but tongues of fire descending upon people. We've got a passionate speech from a guy named Peter, and it wasn't just your average speech; it changed everything! Now, if you're thinking, "What in the world is going on here?" You're not alone. We're diving into Acts 2 to decode the mystery, to uncover why this chapter is a turning point in Christian history, and, most importantly, to answer the age-old question: What does all this have to do with me?

John 11

Alright, folks, buckle up for John chapter 11! This chapter's like a spotlight on Jesus at his most intense and compassionate. Ever wondered how he breaks all the rules about life and death? Get ready for a wild ride exploring how Jesus turns mourning into jaw-dropping miracles. We'll be diving into his emotions, his mind-blowing powers, and what this whole Lazarus resurrection teaches us about Jesus being both totally divine and completely human. Let's unpack the rollercoaster of emotions, faith, and mind-blowing miracles in this chapter. Hang tight, 'cause it's gonna be a spiritual adventure!

Luke 24

As we journey with the disciples on the road to Emmaus, what emotions do you think stirred within them? How did they fail to recognize Jesus, and what might this reveal about our own perceptions of God's presence? When Jesus expounds on the Scriptures, how do his words resonate with our understanding of the Old Testament and its connection to his death and resurrection? What significance lies in the breaking of bread with Jesus and the disciples' subsequent recognition of him? Why do you think the disciples were compelled to immediately return to Jerusalem after their encounter? What lessons can we draw from Jesus' commissioning of his disciples and his ascension into heaven?